Putting Your Website to Work Part 3: Finding Insights in Your Analytics | Energy Circle, LLC

Putting Your Website to Work Part 3: Finding Insights in Your Analytics

Best practices for home performance & HVAC professionals.

In the third and final installment of our whitepaper, we will discuss how website analytics are a key tool to measure your success, help determine what is effective and what isn’t, and provide ideas for improvement. As a reminder, Part 1 looked at the fundamentals of search engine optimization (SEO) to give you an idea of what it takes to start ranking better in Google. Part 2 analyzed strategies for optimizing the user experience of your website.

While this is intended primarily for HVAC and home performance contractors, energy auditors, energy raters, and other residential energy efficiency professionals, the principles we espouse are fairly universal, and may be useful for a wide range of businesses looking to improve their website performance.

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