Blog | Performance-Driven Digital Marketing | Energy Circle

Energy Circle Insights Blog

Video Icon Graphic
December 26, 2018

It is no secret that video is a great way to get your message across, and that more and more people prefer this form of communication.

Illustration of internet search engine
December 12, 2018

Moz released the results of their 2018 Local Search Ranking Factors Survey on November 20. Find out what the results mean for local SEO for the HVAC, home performance and solar industries—and how we think local SEO will look in 2019.

Internet content illustration
December 5, 2018
When you launch a new HVAC, home performance, or solar service, it should be reflected across all of your digital channels. Energy Circle’s digital marketing experts show you how to launch your new service on your website, Google My Business,... Read more
Language or Speech Bubbles Illustration
November 27, 2018

Jargon and technical terms are a part of everyday life in the home performance, solar and HVAC industries. But is that how you should talk to your customers, too? Energy Circle does the keyword research on how you should be marketing your...

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November 20, 2018

Every digital marketing tactic has a special role to play in your sales funnel. Get the most from your digital marketing efforts by understanding the sales funnel and the unique strengths of different marketing channels. Learn more about...

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Search engine screen example
November 13, 2018

re you an HVAC, home performance or solar contractor? Here’s what you need to know about optimizing your website’s images for SERPs and the Google Knowledge Panel. With proper image optimization, you can attract local customers to your business...

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Facebook Screen Magnet Illustration
November 6, 2018

Social media is a powerful tool for targeting an audience for your HVAC, home performance or solar business, but conversions shouldn’t always be the carrot at the end of the stick. The digital marketing team at Energy Circle takes a deeper look...

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Keyboard, A Pen and Some Paper
October 23, 2018
A digital marketing strategy must be constantly tested and optimized based on informed hypotheses and backed by data. But how do you know if yours needs a refresher? Well, here’s how Energy Circle made the call it was time to change up our own... Read more
Google Local Service Ads Graphic
October 18, 2018

Google’s blockbuster product for the HVAC and home performance industries has expanded to well over 70 cities. Are you taking advantage of this highly localized service for your HVAC or home performance business? Download our comprehensive guide...

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Online Reviews Concept Graphic
October 12, 2018
Few business owners like to see a bad review for their company on Google, Facebook or Yelp; but the good news is that a bad review can actually be good for business. Here are a few ways that a negative review could become a positive opportunity for... Read more
